Avtoličarstvo Plut, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Avtoličarske in avtokleparske storitve - Predelava vozil - Restavracija starodobnika - Zaščita avtomobila.

Car painting and car body repairs

Car painting

Car painting and car body repairs have been our primary services since 1968. We have constantly been learning about novelties and improving our services in these two areas of business. We have been studying new technologies and new materials and applying them to our practice. Using the new approaches together with our 50+ years of experience and personal approach we take a good care of your vehicle. We do high-quality car painting work to ensure that you are satisfied with our service

Have you been involved in a car crash or has somebody unknown damaged your car in a parking lot? Have you been a target of vandals or has rust damaged your car? Does your insurance company cover damage expenses or are you not sure about it? No worries. Call us and we will try to help you at our earliest convenience. We do the work promptly and skilfully

We offer:

  • car tow from accident site to our shop
  • evaluation of your vehicle
  • replacement car for the time of your car repairs
  • car body repairs
  • repairs of all kinds of plastic
  • multi layer car polish and car wash
  • car lights restoration using modern technologies without painting without varnishing,
  •  Ngenco car protection (self-renewable removable paint)  (samoobnovljiva ter odstranljiva barva)
  • Eurotax standards applied

Car painting procedure

Car body repairs

Car body repairs and car painting have been our main services from the very beginning. This enables us a faster and high quality car repair. After a car is admitted to our car body shop, the car is dismantled and a list of all damaged parts is made. Our mechanics take care of the repair or the replacement of all damaged car body parts. When we need to replace parts, we do business with licensed car dealerships that provide us with reliable and prompt delivery of original car parts that are key to high quality repair and the final look of the repaired car.

In our car body shop we strive to keep in step with the times with other services also:

– repairing all kinds of cuts and rips in plastic we use hot stapler BGS technique that enables us to make highly efficient welds

– beside the standard windshield replacement technique we also use telwin smart inductor; it is indispensable in this kind of car body works to ensure the safest windshield replacement

– to achieve the optimal factory luminosity of headlights we restore them using the newest technique of liquid polymer sublimation

– our master craftsman with multiple years of experience takes care of every bump, be it on a metal or aluminium panel

avtokleparstvo prejavtokleparstvo potem
tesla prejtesla potem

 You can see a few examples of how our services are done below. For more examples check our gallery and follow us on social media

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