Old-timer restoration. Slovenia - Ljubljana

Auto body shop Plut

Old-timer Restoration

In the beginning of our family business we set ourselves to paint old-timers. We have gathered the knowledge and experience of the craft and used it especially after the year 2010, when we brought this service to the highest quality level. Customers have recognised our passion, and more and more serious projects started to line up (Ferrari, Aston Martin, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Porsche, Bugatti, etc.) We also started restoring old-timers for customers from abroad. In this decade we have upgraded our techniques and procedures. Also, we have painstakingly chosen an assortment of trusted materials that meet our needs as well as the need of our satisfied customers.

Old-timer restoration requires a holistic approach. That is why we have worked with the best companies to ensure you with the perfect restoration of your vehicle.

  • Disassembling and reassembling
  • car body work
  • car paint work
  • car mechanic work
  • car electricity work
  • airbrush, hand drawing lines
  • interior upholstery
  • renovation of wooden parts of the interior
  • chromium plating, nickel plating, copper plating

Every old-timer restoration project is unique and requires a personal approach.

Dela se lotimo z vsem potrebnim predznanjem določenega starodobnika ter upoštevamo želje ter nasvete lastnikov. Prav tako vam lahko svetujemo pri morebitnih težkih odločitvah ali vprašanjih glede vašega vozila, da skupaj poskrbimo za optimalen izgled.

Check out our past project in the gallery and on social media.

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