Avtoličarstvo Plut, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Avtoličarske in avtokleparske storitve - Predelava vozil - Restavracija starodobnika - Zaščita avtomobila.

Auto body shop Plut

Glavne storitve

Avtoličarstvo in avtokleparstvo sta naši glavni dejavnosti že od leta 1968. Nudimo vam vsa avtoličarska ter avtokleparska dela.

We are also actively engaged in Old-timer restorations. We work with all the necessary knowledge of an oldtimer and listen to the wishes of owners.

In addition to cars, we like to be a part of different projects, so industrial painting is no stranger to us. We paint a variety of materials and sizes.

Dobrodošel v naši novi ponudbi, ki bo tvoj avto naredila edinstven in izvenserijski! Tvojemu vozilu namreč nudimo najnovejše in trenutno najsodobnejše predelave v Evropi.

1A - Car painting Plut

Replacement vehicle service

We are aware of the fact that your car is very important to you so you do not have to worry about everyday mobility during the time of your car repairs. In case you need a replacement vehicle, we can provide you with one of our cars that will enable you to go about your daily business.

Insurance claims

You don't know how to go about your damaged vehicle evaluation, or you simply don't have the time? Don’t let this be of any concern to you. We can arrange the whole process – from evaluation to car repair. All you need to do is visit us and trust us with your vehicle.

Why choose Avtoličarstvo Plut Car Painting?


Contact us for any additional information!